Unit 3 General Medicine case

Hellooo  everyone... I am Dr.Srujana Reddy Kondamadugula , an intern posted in General Medicine department & one of the important  terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with  my online log of what I learn during the course of my duties. 

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/ her /guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a which I have seen 

A 55 yrs old female patient came from a village, in mid southern india came to casuality on 19/08/2020 with complaints of vomitings since 15 days & generalised weakness since 10 days 

15 yrs back she went to local hospital with symptoms of excessive eating, increased urination, weaknesses & then diagonesd as denovo diabetes melitus type 2 ( underwent routine investigations :RBS as her grandson is a doctor and diagnosed as Diabetes Mellitus), she used oral hypoglycemic agents for 5 yrs & stopped 5 yrs as her suagr levels subsequently showed within normal levels but later she again went to hospital & was started on oral medications & was using continuously but stopped from last 16 days.( since 15 days she was started on insulin as her hba1c and sugars were high) 

10 yrs back she went to local hospital with complaints of headache , neck pain, tingling sensation of arms & soles. Was diagnosed on denovo hypertension where her regular BP recordings were around 150/90 mm hg but never took any medications assuming that her bl was normal and she started using medications from last 1 yr only (TELMEKIND 40) . 

3 yrs back she noticed a swelling with blebs over right foot, with Itching of same side leg till knee and associated with fever ; after a month few blebs resolved on antibiotics over foot but one of the blebs transformed into an ulcer & the ulcer is of size about 5* 4 cm with 1.5 cm depth. 

2yrs back she went to local hospital with complaints of shortness of breath, & wheezing and cough then she was diagnosed with COPD & was started on inhalers which she stopped 2 months back. 

From last 15 days she is complaining of

vomitings : 2- 3 times per day , contents food particals , non projectile, non bilious , no Hematemisis. 

From last 10 days complaints of giddiness & generalised weakness 

 No h/o chest pain, Shortness of breath, palpitations, loose stools, pain abdomen, fever, weakness of limbs, focal neurological deficit. 

 Family history : 

Her mother was a k/c/o hypertension, also her first degree relatives ( 2 sisters ) are k/c/o DM type 2 .

 General examination : 

 On examination pt is conscious, coherent, cooperative, oriented to time, place & person, moderately built & nourished. 


 BP: 200/110mmhg ,

 PR : 98 bpm, 

 RR : 17cpm, 

 Spo2 : 98%, 

 Temp: 98.4 °F, 

 GRBS : 293mg/dl . 

No pallor, icterus ,  clubbing, cyanosis, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy & pedal edema . 

Systemic Examination : 

Respiratory system : bilateral air entry present,  trachea central, normal vesicular breath sounds heard, no adventitious sounds heard.

CVS : S1, S2 heard, no murmurs

Per abdomen: 

Shape of abdomen: scaphoid, 

No tenderness and local rise of temperature, 

No palpable masses.

Hernial orifices normal.

No free fluid and bruit.

Liver and spleen : not palpable.

Bowel sounds: normally heard.

CNS : 


Higher Mental Functions: patient is concious, coherent, cooperative, oriented to time, place & person. 

Speech is normal in pitch & tone . 

Memory : recent & remote memory intact . 

Cranial nerves : all cranial nerves intact. 

Motor System :

Tone  :   UL           LL

Rt            N             N

Lt             N             N

Bulk  :              

Rt              N             N

Lt               N             N

Power :   

Rt                N            N

Lt                 N            N

Hand grip:   100%     100%   


Sensory  system :       

                            Rt             Lt

 Fine touch         N               N

Crude touch        N               N 

Pain/temp           N               N

Vibration              N                N

Joint position      N               N

Proprioception     N               N

Reflexes : 

Superficial reflexes : 

                             Rt                  Lf 

Corneal               Present      present

Conjunctival       present     present

Abdominal          present      present

Plantar                ---                   ---

Deep tendon reflexes : 

                           Rt               Lt

Biceps              ---                ---

Triceps              ---                ---

Supinator          ---                ---

Knee                  ---                ---

Ankle                 ---                ---

Cerebellum :     No finger nose incoordination

                           Kneel heel test :  normal

No signs of meningeal irritation

GCS : 15/15 

Provisional diagnosis :   Diabetic Keto Acidosis  with uncontrollable sugars. 

Investigations : 

   𝘿𝙖𝙮 1


 pH: 7.40, 

pco2 : 30.2 mm hg, 

pO2: 94.5 mmhg, 

HCO3 : 18.6 mmol/ L 

CUE : albumin: ++, sugars : +++, pus cells : 4-6 

LFT : 

 Total billirubin : 1.6 mg/dl,

 Direct bilirubin : 0.3 mg/ dl ,

 ALP : 210 , 

 Total protein: 5.5 gm/ dl, 

 Albumin : 2.9 gm/dl 

RBS : 390mg/ dl 


 Hb: 11.8 gm/dl, 

 TLC : 9,500 cells / mm3,

 Neutrophils : 85%, 

 Lymphocytes : 10 % ,

 PCV : 35.6 vol% , 

 MCV : 69.1 Fl, 

 MCH : 229 pg , 

 RBC count : 5.15 millions / mm3, 

 Smear : normocytic normochromic blood                       picture with neutrophilia 

Urine ketone bodies : initially positive but when repeated after 6 hrs it turned out to be negative. 

 after 6 hrs 

X ray right foot : ap & lateral view

Chest X-ray PA view 


Pt attenders were counselled adequately about her condition and course of disease in their own language  and the difficulty in managing .

IV Fluids

 0.9% NS with 1 ampule KCL ( 20mEq) & 

  RL at 100 ml/hr 

Tab. TELMA -H ( 40 / 12.5)  OD 

 Inj. HAI  s/c after informing GRBS 

  14 U  s/c stat 

Inj. PAN  40 mg / iv/ OD 

Inj. ZOFER 4mg / iv/ TID

Monitor BP,  PR, RR, GRBS monitoring hourly 

Inj. HAI 40 units (1ml)  in 39 ml of 0.9%NS  IV infusion @ 4 ml / hr & taper insulin accordingly.


Inj. AUGMENTIN  1.2gm/ IV / BD 

GRBS charting 

  𝘿𝙖𝙮 2 

S - patient complaints of nausea,, pain in right loin region.

O- pt C/c/o ,, BP- 190/100mmhg,                PR :90bpm, Temp- afebrile,          grbs@8am- 266mg/dl.  URINE for ketone bodies - negative., ABG - PH - 7.34, PCO2- 31.9.  HCO3- 16.8.  SERUM CREATININE- 1.7MG/DL, BLOOD UREA - 30Mg/DL. Na- 133, k- 3meq/l, cl- 96.


     INJ .HAI 16 UnitsS/C, IV ANTIBIOTICS, IV FLUIDS, INJ KCL 2 ampules in 500ml NS Tab Nicardia10mg.


Serum electrolytes 

Sodium      :  127 mEq/L

Potassium :  3.2 mEq/L

Chloride     :  90 mEq/L

Urine for ketone bodies : negative 


 pH:  - 7.34,

 pCO2- 31.9 mmhg 

 HCO3- 16.8mmol/L

Fasting blood glucose : 300mg/dl
 PLBS : 164mg/dl
Hb: 8.6gm/dl
TLC : 5,300cells/ mm3 
RBC count : 3.78millions/ mm3
PCV : 26.3vol% 
MCV : 69.6 fl
MCH : 22.8pg 

RFT : 
Creatinine : 1.7 mg/dl
Phosphor  : 2.1 mg/dl
Sodium      : 133mEq/L 
Potassium : 3.0 mEq/L 
After 4 hours 

Serum potassium : 3.8 mmol/L
Serum creatinine :  1.5 

ECG : 


USG - Abdomen with pelvis 

Treatment : 

Inj. HAI s/c 16 units @ 8am & inform GRBS at 2 pm & 8 pm 

Inj. AUGMENTIN 1.2 gm /iv/ BD

IV fluids 3 NS & 1 RL @ 100ml/hr 

Tab. NICARDIA 10 mg  OD 


Inj. KCL 2 ampules in 500 ml NS Iv over 5 hrs 

Inj. ZOFER 4 mg /iv/TID 

Inj. PAN 40 mg/iv/OD 

Tab. LIMCEE  500mg OD 

Tab. MVT OD 

BP monitoring hourly & GRBS 4th hourly

GRBS charting:

𝘿𝙖𝙮 3
On examination : pt c/c/o
Vitals :
 BP : 160/70 mmhg , right arm, supine 
 PR : 104 bpm, 
Temp : 100.4°F 
RR : 18cpm
GRBS : 216 mg/dl 

Investigations : 

CBP : 
Hb : 8.8gm/dl 
TLC : 7400cells/mm3

CBP after 4 hrs 

Hb : 9.3gm/dl 

PCV : 28.1vol% 

MCV : 70.1fl

MCH : 23.2pg

Serum potassium : 3.6 mmol/L

Serum creatinine : 1.4mg/dl

Treatment : 

Inj. AUGMENTIN 1.2 gm/iv/ OD 

Inj. PAN 40 mg /iv/ OD

IV fluids 2 NS, 1 RL continuous infusion @ 100ml / hr 

Inj. PERINORM 10mg/iv/BD 

Inj. HAI s/c after informing GRBS 

14U   --- 14U --- 14U 

Tab. AMLONG  10 mg BD 

Tab. LIMCEE  500mg OD 


Syp. CREMAFFIN plus 15 ml BD 

Tab. PCM 650 mg TID 

Inj. NEMOL 1gm infusion if( temp >101°F) 

Tab. NICARDIA 10 mg TID 

Monitor BP, PR, RR 2nd hourly, GRBS charting 4th hourly 

Foot end elevation with active right toe & leg movements 

 Fever Chart : 

𝘿𝙖𝙮 4 
S: Patient is drowsy but arousable.
 Had 3-4 episodes of vomiting associated with nausea and giddiness at 11:00 pm night . 
And she had same events day before yesterday at night 
And she had BP spikes at night sir yesterday and day before yesterday also.

O: patient drowsy 
Bp : 140/90 mm hg
Pr: 100 bpm
Cvs : s1 s2 Heard no murmurs
Rs: BAE+ NVBS heard
P/a : soft non tender
Cns : NFND
Reflexes absent ( areflexia)

A : is she having hypertensive encephalopathy?
  And Are ACEI ARB indicated in pre renal AKI 
  Serum creatinine trends(1.7 -1.4-1.2)
She is on AMLONG 10mg
Next choice of Anti hypertensive in order to control her BP shoot up during nights.

Investigations : 
ABG : 

Treatment : 
Inj. s/c HAI 10U ---10U --- 8U
      s/c NPH  8U ----------- 8U after informing 

Inj. AUGMENTIN 1.2 gm/iv/ OD 

Inj. PAN 40 mg /iv/ OD

IV fluids 2 NS, 1 RL continuous infusion @ 100ml / hr 

Inj. PERINORM 10mg/iv/BD 

Tab. AMLONG  10 mg BD 

Tab. LIMCEE  500mg OD 


Syp. CREMAFFIN plus 15 ml BD 

Tab. PCM 650 mg TID 

Inj. NEMOL 1gm infusion if( temp >101°F) 



CLINGEN vaginal pessary PV /OD 

Monitor BP, PR, RR 2nd hourly, GRBS charting 4th hourly 

Foot end elevation with active right toe & leg movements . 

BP Charting : 


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