unit 3 medicine case hyponatremia

Hellooo  everyone... I am Dr.Srujana Reddy Kondamadugula , an intern posted in General Medicine department & one of the important  terms of getting the internship completion is to complete my log book with  my online log of what I learn during the course of my duties. 

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/ her /guardian's signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. 

This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

Here is a which I have seen 

A 70 yrs old female patient came from a village, in mid southern india came to casuality on 26/08/2020  with cheif complaints of pain abdomen & headche ,  decreased urine output since 5 days & vomitings since last night . 

15 yrs back she went to a local hospital for excessive  menstrual bleeding for duration of 3 months  & was Hysterectomised ; at that time  she was diagnosed as denovo hypertensive  was started& on medications but she took irregularly ( tab. Olmesartan, tab. Medoxomil 20 mg, tab. Amlodepine 5 mg, tab hydrochlorthiazide 12.5mg) . 

5 days back she developed pain abdomen in epigastric region, colicky type of pain ,non radiating. Along with headache, & decreased urine output. 

3 days back she developed burning Micturition. 

Last night she developed vomiting 1 episode bilious, &  non - projectile type, nausea was present. Followed by decreased appetite. 

No h/o blurring of vision, loss of consciousness, involuntary movements, pedal edema, shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitations, loose stools. 

She is not a k/c/o DM, asthma, TB, CAD, CVA, epilepsy. 

General examination : 

 On examination pt is conscious, coherent, cooperative, oriented to time, place & person, moderately built & nourished.

Vitals : 

BP : 150/100 mmhg 

Pulse: 84bpm

Saturation: 99%

Temperature: Afebrile

GRBS: 87mg/dl 

RR : 20 cpm

No pallor, icterus ,  clubbing, cyanosis, koilonychia, lymphadenopathy & pedal edema . 

Systemic Examination : 

CVS : S1 & S2 heard, No murmurs. 

Respiratory system : bilateral air entry present,  trachea central, normal vesicular breath sounds heard, no adventitious sounds heard.

Per abdomen: 

Shape of abdomen: scaphoid, 

No tenderness and local rise of temperature, 

No palpable masses.

Hernial orifices normal.

No free fluid and bruit.

Liver and spleen : not palpable.

Bowel sounds: normally heard.

CNS : 

 Higher Mental Functions: patient is concious, coherent, cooperative, oriented to time, place & person. 

Speech is normal in pitch & tone . 

Memory : recent & remote memory intact . 

Cranial nerves : all cranial nerves intact. 

Motor System :

Tone  :   UL           LL

Rt            N             N

Lt             N             N

Bulk  :              

Rt              N             N

Lt               N             N

Power :   

Rt                N            N

Lt                 N            N

Hand grip:   100%     100%   


Sensory  system :       

                            Rt             Lt

 Fine touch         N               N

Crude touch        N               N 

Pain/temp           N               N

Vibration              N                N

Joint position      N               N

Proprioception     N               N

Reflexes : 

Superficial reflexes : 

                             Rt                  Lf 

Corneal               Present      present

Conjunctival       present     present

Abdominal          present      present

Plantar               flexor           flexor

Deep tendon reflexes : 

                           Rt               Lt

Biceps             ++              ++

Triceps             ++              ++

Supinator         ++              ++

Knee                 ++              ++

Ankle                ++              ++

Cerebellum :     No finger nose incoordination

                           Kneel heel test :  normal

No signs of meningeal irritation

GCS : 15/15 

Provisional diagnosis :   Pain abdomen         ? Renal caliculi ,   with incidental detection of drug induced hyponatremia. 


๐˜ฟ๐™–๐™ฎ 1


Pt attenders were counselled adequately about her condition and course of disease in their own language  and the difficulty in managing .

IV Fluids 0.9% NS continuos infusion @ 100 ml/hr .

Inj. PAN  40 mg / iv/ OD 

Inj. ZOFER 4mg / iv/ TID

Tab. AMLONG 5mg OD 


ORS sachets in 1 lit water. 

Monitor BP, PR, RR. 

๐˜ฟ๐™–๐™ฎ 2 


USG abdomen : Rt Renal caliculi . 

Treatment : 

IV Fluids 0.9% NS continuos infusion @ 100 ml/hr .

Inj. PAN  40 mg / iv/ OD . 

Tab. AMLONG 5mg OD . 

ORS sachets in 1 lit water. 

Monitor BP, PR, RR. 

๐˜ฟ๐™–๐™ฎ 3 
Investigations : 

Treatment : 
Inj. Cefteiaxone 1gm/iv/BD

Inj. PAN  40 mg / iv/ OD . 

Tab. AMLONG 5mg OD . 

ORS sachets in 1 lit water. 

Tab. Telma 20 mg OD. 

IV fluids NS @ 75 ml/hr.


Monitor BP, PR, RR. 

๐˜ฟ๐™–๐™ฎ 4 

Investigations : 
Treatment : 
Inj. Cefteiaxone 1gm/iv/BD

Inj. PAN  40 mg / iv/ OD . 

Tab. AMLONG 5mg OD . 

ORS sachets in 1 lit water. 

Tab. Telma 20 mg OD. 

IV fluids NS @ 75 ml/hr.


Monitor BP, PR, RR. 

Monitor BP, PR, RR. 

๐˜ฟ๐™–๐™ฎ 4

Investigations : 

Treatment : 

Inj. Cefteiaxone 1gm/iv/BD

Inj. PAN 40 mg / iv/ OD . 

Tab. AMLONG 5mg OD . 

ORS sachets in 1 lit water. 

Tab. Telma 20 mg OD. 

IV fluids NS @ 75 ml/hr.

Monitor BP, PR, RR. 

Monitor BP, PR, RR. 


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